
Cargo Delivery Information

HomeCargo Delivery Information


The shipping fee is based on desi and is calculated over the total desi of the products received. It takes between 1-5 days for your order to reach you, depending on the city you are in.

Orders are sent with the courier company you have chosen, with which has an agreement.

The barcode number of your cargo is sent to the e-mail address you have given us. With this number, you can track your cargo from the following shipment tracking system of the cargo company.


When the cargo company brings your order, if you are not at the address you have given us, your package will be left at the nearest CARGO branch to your address and you must pick up your package from there. The waiting period of the packages at the cargo company is 10 days. After this period, the package will be returned to us.


For orders whose amount exceeds 500 TL excluding VAT, covers the shipping cost and there is no additional charge. For orders placed with the option to pay at the door, payment at the door is charged.


In cases where the product cannot be supplied according to the stock status after the purchase, the amount you have paid will be refunded.

Please enter a valid and used e-mail address. Because we communicate with you via e-mail.

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